Lost Key For Post Box

Recently,I programed new key for BMW X5 all key lost scuccessfully.Though,the operations and methods is easy to perform,but for the freshman it is difficult to understand the whole progress.We need to operate carefully when we service for the high-end vehicle,otherwise it willl make damage on them.So here i share the easy guide on How To Program BMW X5 All Key Lost.


Note:Click get more information about programming for Auto All Key Lost

Lost key for post box near me

Procedures Of BMW X5 All Key Lost Programming

*1 Replace all lock cylinders of the BMW X5 and cut new key blanks.(If you are not specialist locksmith,you would to ask auto locksmith for this)

Adobe photoshop elements 5 for mac. *2 After solving the mechanical lock problems,we need to program immobilizer system.


Remove the EWS3 immobilizer box from the vehicle,it is located under the steering wheel of driver side.And then open the EWS3,and locate the immobilizer CPU chip model is 0D46J.Then we need to read out the immobilizer data from the CPU,choice X-PROG or AK90 programmer.

Duplicate post office box key

Note:XPROG programmer need to remove CPU from PCB,and AK90 no need removal.

*3 After reading out the data from CPU,use key programmer to program new key.Use the new key test on the BMW X5 when you programming two key successfully.


Lost Key For Po Box

Ps:This method also adapt to add new key.(You have original key)

  • Go to the post office where your PO Box is located. Bring a photo ID (drivers license, state ID, military ID) and tell them you lost your PO Box key. Our office charges $9 for a new key.
  • I've lost my mailbox key! I get several calls a week from people who've lost their mailbox keys. Often they've already called their local post office because they're under the mistaken impression that someone over there might give a flying fish. Some post offices will tell you to call a locksmith.

Lost Key For Post Office Box

If you’ve lost or misplaced your mailbox key, ask the owner, manager, or superintendent of your apartment or home for a replacement. You shouldn’t pry open your mailbox, because it’s against the law, and also because our carriers can’t deliver mail to unlocked or unsecured boxes.

What Do I Do If I Lost My Post Office Box Key

Here are two article about BMW Key Programming: