Node Management: create-node-config Create a configuration bundle for a node manage-node Manage nodes - list pods, evacuate, or mark ready cordon Mark node as unschedulable uncordon Mark node as schedulable drain Drain node in preparation for maintenance taint Update the taints on one or more nodes pod-network Manage pod network Maintenance. The Node.js environment has a global object that contains every Node-specific global property. The global object can be accessed by either typing in console.log(global) or global in the terminal after RPL is running. In order to see just the keys Object.keys(global) can be used. Since global is an object, new properties can be assigned to it via global.nameofproperty = 'valueofproperty'. Swift 3d for mac. A Node is a data structure that stores a value that can be of any data type and has a pointer to another node. The implementation of a Node class in a programming language such as Python, should have methods to get the value that is stored in the Node, to get the next node, and to set a link to the next node.
Global Objects
Server-sideio.on('connection', (socket) = // basic emit socket.emit(/./); // to all clients in the current namespace except the sender socket.broadcast.emit. Few commands to speed up development using Node.js. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
File System
UDP / Datagram Sockets
Query String
Class: http.Server
Class: http.ServerRequest
Class: http.ServerResponse
Class: http.Agent
Class: http.ClientRequest
Executing JS
Child Process
3rd Party
Third Party Modules
- Module Installer: npm
- HTTP Middleware: Connect
- Web Framework: Express
- Web Sockets: Socket.IO
- HTML Parsing: HTML5
- mDNS/Zeroconf/Bonjour/li>
- Serialization: msgpack
- Scraping: Apricot
- Debugger: ndb is a CLI debuggerinspector is a web based tool.
- Testing/TDD/BDD: vows,mocha,mjsunit.runner
- PDF Link: cheatsheet-openshift-A4.pdf, Category: Cloud
- Blog URL:
- Related posts: PKS CheatSheet, Kubectl CheatSheet, #denny-cheatsheets
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1.1 OpenShift FAQ
Name | Summary |
Kubernetes versions for different OpenShift versions | openshift 3.9, openshift 3.10, openshift 3.11 |
1.2 OpenShift Key Components
Name | Command |
Computing virtualization | RHV (Red Hat Virtualization), based on KVM |
SDN networking | Based upon OVS |
VM/Cluster lifecycle management | CloudForms ? |
Node healing | Notification of failed components but no recovery |
Container optimized OS |
Container Image Compliance Scan | CloudForms OpenSCAP, like Harbor Clair |
Container runtime | dockerd, cri-o |
Container image registry | OpenShift Container Registry (OCR), powered by Redhat Quay |
Packages k8s cluster orchestrator | tectonic ? |
Component Packaging | Ansible modules? |
CSI for Persistent volume | GlusterFS, NFS, Local storage |
Authorization | OpenShift Container Platform policy engine |
Disater Recovery | Notification of failed components but no recovery |
Control Plane |
Reference | Link: OpenShift Container Platform Cluster Limits |
Reference | Link: OpenShift Key Components, Link: PKS Key Components |
1.3 New Concepts From OpenShift
Name | Command |
BuildConfig |
Source2Image(s2i) |
Templates | Like helm chart |
Pipelines | Jenkins |
Fine grained security policies OOTB | Like k8s psp |
Security Context Contraints(SCC) |
Red Hat Container Catalog (RHCC) |
Route | Like k8s ingress |
Metering and Chargeback |
Operator SDK |
1.4 OpenShift Solutions
Name | Command |
OpenShift Online | Hosted by Red Hat in AWS public cloud |
OpenShift Dedicated | Virtual private cloud, managed by Red Hat in any AWS region |
OpenShift Container Platform | Any on-premise, public, or private cloud infra with RedHat Enterprise Linux |
Minishift |
Reference | Link: OpenShift plans and pricing |
1.5 OpenShift Glossary
Name | Command |
OKD | The Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes that powers Red Hat OpenShift. |
oc command line | OpenShift command line: oc <action> <object_type> <object_name_or_id> |
Project | Namespace in Kubernetes. Resources are aggregated by projects. oc get project |
Build | Builds create a new image from source code, other images, Dockerfiles, etc. oc get build |
Build Configuration | How to build source code and a base image into a new image. oc get bc |
Route | Endpoint in Kubernetes. A route is an external DNS entry |
Deployment Configuration | oc get dc |
ImageStream | oc get is |
ImageStreamTag | oc get istag |
ImageStreamImage | oc get isimage |
Template | oc get template |
Template Instance | oc get templateinstance |
Explain | Online manual oc explain pod |
Red Hat Registry | By default, all images are pulled from |
OpenShift SaaS Version | |
OpenShift online | |
Reference |
Reference | OpenShift CheatSheet, Rancher CheatSheet, PKS CheatSheet |
1.6 OpenShift Assumptions
Name | Summary |
Single instance of K8S | One OpenShift One K8S. Use k8s namespace soly for multi-tenancy |
No mixed versions | Versions must match between master and node hosts, excluding upgrade; Old oc can talk to new servers |
Node roles | Master nodes, worker nodes, and etcd nodes. |
1.7 OpenShift Maintainance
Name | Command |
Install clusters | Run ansible playbooks to install OpenShift |
Upgrade clusters | Support both in-place upgrade and blue-green deployments; Use ansible to upgrade clusters |
Node problem healing |
1.8 OpenShift Cfg Files
Name | Summary |
The default image stream and template files | /usr/share/openshift/examples/ , /etc/origin/examples/ |
Data folder for master and worker nodes | /var/lib |
Volumes and potential core dumps of the binary | /var/lib/origin |
Cloud provider specific conf(AWS, Azure, etc) | /etc/origin/cloudprovider |
Additional third party volume plug-ins | /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins , /etc/origin/kubelet-plugins |
All certificates, conf files, admin.kubeconfig, etc | /etc/origin/master |
Master node conf profile | /etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig |
Used for node bootstrapping nodes other than master | /etc/origin/master/bootstrap.kubeconfig |
Node conf profile | /etc/origin/node/node.kubeconfig , /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml |
1.9 OC – Highlights
Name | Command |
Get api requests verbose output with kubectl call | oc --loglevel 999 get pod/dummy-deployment-6d6759c786-5kwth |
Start a pod and get a shell for debug | oc debug dc/jorge |
Impersonate for oc command | oc --as=jorge get pods , oc --as-group=developers get pods |
Use oc to do admin operations | oc adm <sub-command> |
Try experimental commands of oc | oc ex <sub-command> |
Explain OpenShift/Kubernetes concepts to me | oc explain pod , oc explain replicaset |
Enable oc shell autocompletion | echo 'source <(oc completion zsh)' >>~/.zshrc , then reload terminal |
Reference | OpenShift CheatSheet, Kubectl CheatSheet |
1.10 OC – Admin
Name | Command |
Login/logout | oc login , oc logout , oc whoami |
List route | oc get route |
List all object types | oc types , oc api-resources |
Start a local OpenShift all-in-one cluster | oc cluster up |
1.11 OC – Developer
Name | Command |
Create a project | oc new-project <projectname> --description=<description> --display-name=<display_name> |
Check status of current project | oc status Link: OC CLI Operations |
Show oc cli profile | oc config view Link: Managing CLI Profiles |
Get all resource | oc get all |
Switch project | oc project <projectname> |
Create an application | oc new-app |
Create a new build | oc new-build |
Manually start a build with given conf | oc start-build <buildconfig_name> |
Stop a build that is in progress | oc cancel-build <build_name> |
Import an external image | oc import-image <image_stream> |
Tag an image | oc tag <current_image> <image_stream> |
1.12 OpenShift Source Code
Name | Command |
Openshift Ansible Deployment | GitHub: openshift-ansible/playbooks |
1.13 OpenShift Opportunty
Name | Command |
Doesn’t support multiple clusters |
OC command line could be a strengh or a weakness |
Lack of SDN solution |
Time-consuming for administrators’ operations |
1.14 OpenShift CLI Help All
1.15 OpenShift CLI Help Admin
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1.16 More Resources
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